
"Well, I'm your typical hiphop political figure, But I'm not left wing OR right wing. I'm the middle finger." (Sage Francis) --------------------------------------- "I am a Gen-Xer, bottle-fed on irony. I get suspicious when I'm being pitched anything that sounds ideal." (Samantha Dunn)

Friss topikok


2009.06.26. 10:53 elsofirst

they all wacko 4 jacko

Címkék: video economist triumph jacko



az economist ronald reagen idezettel emlekezik jackora

Michael, please give some TLC to the PYTs. I know that sounds a little off the wall, but you know what I mean.

  ("Tender Lovin' Care to the Pretty Young Things"  - nudge, nudge, wink, wink)



en inkabb triumph the insult comic dogot valasztom:

Until the trial is over, none of us can really know if Michael is innocent or guilty. But there is one thing we do know... he's guilty!


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